Monthly Archives: September 2014

Recipe: Panzanella! Delicious Italian bread salad.

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I don’t like sandwiches. I’m not mad about bruschetta, or pizza, or even the humble dinner roll. Bread and butter pudding is not for me, and toasties I can just about take. Beans on toast, Eggs Benedict and we are getting there, but panzanella… THAT is my kind of bread.

Panzanella is a delicious, tart Italian bread salad, with fragrant basil and red onions and sweet tomatoes and pepper. Continue reading Recipe: Panzanella! Delicious Italian bread salad.

Make your own Bussolai di Burano Venetian biscuits!

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Beautiful Burano, taken by my husband when we visited.

If you have read one of my previous posts, Two Days In Venice, you will have heard of bussolai di Burano. They’re yummy Venetian biscuits that are great with a rich Italian espresso! Well, I made some this week and wanted to share the recipe with you. Continue reading Make your own Bussolai di Burano Venetian biscuits!